Thursday 18 August 2011

Oh, Shut Up

Not trying to sound mean or anything in that title. Sorry.

You see, I got a knew YouTube account and this blog is logged in with my old one (which I don't use anymore) so coming on here means logging out of that one and I don't have to patience to make a knew blog, but I probably will maybe tomorrow. I'll keep you posted.

Well since I haven't blogged in....2months? Just about. I have A LOT to talk about. The last thing I posted was going to the Katy Perry concert....well all through July I went to 5 others. So that makes the concert count 6. Woo!

In mid July, I went to a leadership camp for band called FJM (Fred J. Miller). It was a new experience and a lot of fun. I was only there for a few days. My group (section leader [which I am now Section Leader of the Saxophone Section in band now :D]) learned drill and a new song and preformed it. One day we had a Full Band Scramble where we got to go to the different sections that were there (drum major, dance, flag, rifle, or twirling) and learn things from them. I successfully know how to crescendo, decrescendo, and que people in conducting. It's fun. Even though I'm not drum major, I conduct all the time; even in grocery stores and the mall.....My parents yell at me to stop XD

Other than that I went to 2 ConTour shows (my first), a WizardRock show (my first), and a Tim McGraw concert (also my first). All of them were a blast! I'm very excited that I went. Sadly, the COTTON shirt I had EVERYBODY sign and my friends and I decorated smeared the Sharpie a lot when it went through the was. The worst is the light blue....there's a lot of light blue....UPSETTING.

Um...This is all I have time for right now. I'm in a lot of pain with probably 6 rib heads out of place right now and typing hurts. After going to see Ian tomorrow, for the 3rd time this week, I will be feeling better and be sitting here with ice on my back. If I do make a new blog, I'll post a blog on here first and add a link to the new page. Night :/

(No more Song of the Day)
Snapple Caps: 74
Concerts: 6

Thursday 23 June 2011

California Dream?

So I actually just got back from the Katy Perry concert here in Pittsburgh, PA. It. Was. AMAZING! One word is not enough to categorize how awesome this concert was. It was silly, cute, weird, fun, hot, steamy, sparkly, awesome, amazing, and LOUD. I can still hear ringing in my ears and I was sitting in the top balcony. But still, top seats are awesome because you can still see. I sang (more like screamed) at the top of my lungs to every song since I am a die-hard Katy Perry fan. Now I don't really listen to the radio, but thanks to one of my best friends, I found Katy Perry and I have learned that Katy is just a 5yr old in a grown ups body with an awesome singing voice. People will probably be negative and say, "Oh, it was just an act." I don't believe it. I have honestly never seen anyone having so much fun on stage, not caring if she made a few mistakes here and there, because when she did, she laughed them off. What person in an act can do that on stage in front of approximately 10,000 people? I know I wouldn't. I would freak out. Katy just has so much fun and truly loves what she does that she has become a very inspiring person in my life. Not because she's famous, not because she has her life basically perfect, but because she found out what she was good at and loved in life and followed that path. So many people hate their jobs and what they do. The people to look up to are the people who enjoy their lives, their jobs, and what they do. Not many people can say that and the people that go out and preform to people usually care about how great it was to have a sold out concert "mmm money" but the people who go and preform because they want to and truly enjoy it....they're the greatest. No one in the crowd can possibly understand the joy of that. I certainly don't, but if we all take the path that we enjoy and can achieve in at the same time, where is there room for greed or misery?

I just thought I'd share that with you. Since it's 1:30am, I'll post something about the actual concert later :)

PS: I'm adding a new "category" at the bottom of how many concerts I attend a year.

Song of the Day: I Kissed a Girl by Katy Perry
Snapple Caps: 66
Concerts: 1

Friday 10 June 2011

Long Time Since...

Wow. Hi! It's been almost a month since I've blogged! I have been kinda busy though. My birthday was the 23rd of May. I had my best friend I've only met twice before over with all of the rest of my friends. It was a blast. I'm so happy I actually got to hang out with Alora. I can't wait until I get to go over her house and meet some of her friends I text.

On Memorial Day, I had to march in Brentwood's parade in the morning. It was pretty boring. I wanted to go and hang out with friends since it was so nice out, but obviously everyone had plans. So instead I decided to bike almost 7 miles to go to Caribou Coffee in Town Square. Brentwood isn't even that big. The problem is that instead of going up a gazillion and a half hills, I decided to go around so I would have an easier time biking, which I did.

School ended Tuesday, June 7th. I did very good on my finals and in my classes in general. I got straight As and 1 C (English: worst subject). But hey, I'm not complaining.

I went to my friend's birthday party as well. It was a total blast. Definitely danced my ass off that night :)

In our softball games I've been having, I completely ripped a whole in my knee. Last game I even got road rash. My left leg looks like I fell off of a motorcycle. It's beautiful. I did a good job :) [btw, that slide that caused that whole got me a triple and we ended up winning the game. WORTH IT!]

Oh! The last day of school was also Graduation. Of course I cried. My best friend (brother's ex, big sister, etc we're close) graduated. I was super depressed afterwards. But I'm not getting into that. This is a blog to catch up and no sadness.

Since Wednesday, even though school has ended, I've still been getting up to go to school at 8am. Why? I'm a Band Geek. I'm going through Leadership Training so I can be section leader. Thankfully, I'm the only one trying out for my section :) Even though I detest getting up early, I'd have to say that this is worth it. I love band so much. This year, I get to go to 3 camps that involve band; FJM at Pitt Greensburg Campus (where previous away band camp has been held), home band camp, then right after that away band camp at Washington and Jefferson College Campus. I am so excited. Especially for FJM. Livie has told me so much about it last year when she went and it sounds like a blast. I can't wait to meet new friends and learn so much from going there.

That's the news happening :) Glad to blog and catch up!

Song of the Day: Not Half Bad by The Parselmouths

Snapple Caps: 68? (I need to count)

Sunday 15 May 2011

Mini May Wrap Up

Well it's like halfway though May, so I figured I should inform you on all of my fun adventures I've had so far this month :D

In school, we had to take these new tests called the Keystone Exams. In short, it was horrible. The 1st portion we took on Monday was literature. All we had to do was read a story, fill in bubbles, and analyze. That day was easy, but when we took the Algebra 2 portion, it was ridiculous. Now I have a very high IQ and I'm in regular math, not honors. THE HONORS CLASS COULDN'T DO IT! It was so hard. We didn't even go over more than half of what was in the test so everyone just BSed the whole time. In the open ended, people would just draw pictures of random things. So I think this test deserves a ticket for the Fail Boat?

Wednesday also happened to be our concert band spring concert. Jazz Band played first (which was amazing! [thank you]) and then concert band. Concert band is boring. The music is so easy so I just brought my phone on stage and texted people during rests or song switches. But yeah, all good fun.

Thursday, my mom, dad, and I went to the eye doctors. Now I don't exactly understand the whole "20/20" vision thing, but I'm just gonna say that I found out that my vision is -3/-3. BAD. But good news! I GOT CONTACTS! Well we ordered them that day but I'll get to that.

Friday was fun! I got on a bus at 6:30am and left my school at 7am. To go where? GETTYSBURG AND HERSHEY!!!!!! My school had a school trip there so Ian (the great amazing person that he is) said that he'd pay for me to go. We started our day off on our 5 hour bus ride more than half way across the state of Pennsylvania. It wasn't the worst bus ride. I mean we did have a Coach USA bus and we just watched movies the whole time. I almost peed myself of joy when the only movie the bus had with it was Tangled. I still don't own a copy :( But the best movie we watched was the Hangover. I've seen it before, rated R, whatever you get the point. 35 kids (freshman and sophomore mix) watched the Hangover on a bus with the principal and 2 teachers. Explain that one?

Anyhow, when we got to Gettysburg, we went to this wax museum. Wax people creep me out. I always think they're just going to come to life and attack me. So my friends and I made a huge chain holding hands because we were all terrified. After the wax museum, we went to this other giant building to watch an omni max sort of thing. It was talking all about how brave all the men and women were when the fought against each other and they died. Morgan Freedman narrated.....I fell asleep. It's not my fault Morgan Freedman's voice is so soothing! Well, he put me asleep good. I started to dream. In my mini dream, I was reaching over to pet my dog, Max, because I thought that he was dead. The second before I touched him, he woke up and almost bit me with super sharp teeth. I freaked out and jumped really badly in my seat. it just so happens that at that same time I jumped, a canon went off on the omni max. That scared me even more. The people next to me thought it was the funniest thing ever....

After the omni max, we went to a dome of a painting that was done a few years after the war. There was some narration and everything and sound effects, but I wasn't paying attention. Everything was happening on the other side of me anyways. I was more marveling over how detailed this painting was and how the landscaping looked like it was part of the painting. It was hard to tell where the floor stopped and where the painting began!

When we were finally leaving, we picked up our tour guide. I have nothing against southern people, but I hate their accents for the life of me. And guess what? Our tour guide we had for 2 HOURS was from Georgia and his accent was STRONG. We visited a bunch of fun places like Little Round Top (stupid name), and um....graveyards.....and....the fields where they fought....and we kind of just looked at monuments the whole time. Finally, after the tour was over, we went to dinner and then to our hotel.

In the room I stayed in, it was Ali, Emily, and I. Our other friends we couldn't room with, Moose, V (Victoria), and Olivia, were a few rooms down so we just kept running back and forth to each other. V didn't want to stay in her room, so she stayed in my room for a long time :) We watched these hilarious YouTube videos. The best was McDonald's Exorcism: This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Emily and V were reenacting it....I got the whole thing on my phone >:) I am so tempted to put it on YouTube....Later that night, we walked over to McDonald's to get some ice cream and milkshakes and just kept quoting the video. People were giving us strange looks. We also got free toys and beat each other with them.

Saturday morning, we had to get up bright and early to leave for Hershey. When we got there, we all went through the little (fake) factory tour. The used to make the chocolate there, but most of it is made in Mexico and the factory next to the park. We finally got to the park and split into our groups. Ali, Emily, Moose, V, Olivia, Jessica, and I went on 10 of the 11 roller coasters there and we just walked around laughing and having so much fun. I strongly recommend going to Hershey Park. It's crazy huge and it just smells like chocolate and the roller coasters are CRAZY! around 7pm, we headed home. Mostly everyone was sleeping, but I just stayed up and played Mario Kart and watched movies.

Sunday was a let's-just-try-and-recover day. We did do stuff for Mother's Day such as, go out to breakfast and go to Barnes & Noble, but we just went home and relaxed. That's all my mom wanted to do so we were good with that.

Monday, I missed the beginning of school to go to Ian's and get all my joints back in place. Tuesday, I missed the beginning of school as well to get my contacts! They were kind of a pain, but after almost a week, I finally got the hang of them. Wednesday was the beginning of Marching Band practice for the Memorial Day Parade we have. It was a very short one since Jazz Band played a gig that night at the Country Club. We played for an hour and went home :) I love being in Jazz Band.

(This is a loooooooooonnnnnnnnnnggggggggg blog post)

Friday was the Band Banquet. It's a thing where the seniors and whoever wants to go from the band gets together and the seniors share their remember when's and thank you's and they will things. I got willed a few things from Livie and my section leader, Lauren, (V and Olivia's older sister). Livie willed me: The ability to doodle and rename my music and The ability to fit my whole household into my Band Locker Long story). Lauren willed me: The saxophone section and the ability to be nice to this insanely annoying kid in our section I can't stand! It'll be difficult, but I'll try.

After the Band Banquet, Alex, Livie, and I went to Alex's house with his. They showed me this thing in his room that's like a laser light show but better. I was just so amazed by it. We probably sat in his room for a good half hour-45mins just staring at the lights. When they were finally able to drag me downstairs, we played some old school video games. We played Super Smash Bros. on the N64. That is definitely one of my favorite games ever. I finally went home at 11 and slept. That brings us to a lazy Saturday, and a lazy Sunday. I needed a break.

Song of the Day: Hip to My Heart by The Band Perry
Snapple caps: 64

(I typed this for almost and hour)

Saturday 30 April 2011

Good Bye

I know, I know. Don't yell at me. My last blog was bloody terrible (and I don't think it even counts) and I didn't blog yesterday. So I have a butt load of info to tell you about. (My apology about not blogging will be coming up shortly).

Let's start off with Thursday. Hm...It was pretty uneventful. In school, we had a short assembly about friendship and graduating school from an old Philadelphia Eagles Football player. Personally, it was a VERY good speech. Overall, I was bored out of my mind. Sitting in an auditorium listening to the same guy talk for an hour isn't exactly the most exciting thing to do. Now if he would throw candy at us, or have a water gun or something, it wouldn't have been so bad. (I say water gun because I was sitting in the back). I don't really remember what I did afterwards, but I know I didn't have time to go on the computer.

Friday: I got up at 3:50am to watch the Royal Wedding. I realize getting up that early was a mistake since the ceremony didn't starts until 6, but it was good. I thought her dress was stunning. Kate and her sister both looked so pretty. I'm disappointed in William though. When he had hair, he was so attractive. Now that he's balding like his dad, he's not all that great. I still loved the wedding though. It was beautiful. Nothing exciting happened in school Friday. When I got home, we almost instantly left for Ian's. We stopped at my aunt's house to pick up some food that we had for dinner. My aunt works as a lunch lady in a nearby school district and so she takes the leftovers home and gives some of them to us. These leftovers (school lunches...remember that) which was lasagna, made me absolutely sick. It was awful. I threw up the 3 mouthfuls I could stand. So, obviously, I turned in early. That's why I didn't blog. I was too busy throwing up. Now I'm pretty sure I'm getting your sympathy.

Today, I had softball pictures. They only took 10mins tops. When I came home, my dad and I left to go over my great aunt's house to cut her grass and fix up her yard a bit. I got 25$ out of that! WOO! Money!

we got back an hour ago, I just ate dinner, and soon I'm leaving again to go to the movies with Megan, Kim, and Char. We're going to see Beastly! I'm excited. This is gonna be a great movie. I figured while I had a little bit of time, I'd blog since it is the last day of BEDA. I'm leaving now. This has been fun guys! See you next time!

Song of the Day: I see The Light by Mandy Moore (Tangled)
Snapple Caps: 63

Thursday 28 April 2011

Late Night

Sadly, this is an extremely short post. I'll post about my dad today, tomorrow. Procrastination.